
7 Cool Quarantine Gift Ideas To Help Cope With Hard Times

The covid crisis has left all of us caged at the home with the waves giving a come back once in a while. Most of the celebrations have been called off. Be it their anniversary or their birthday, it has become a tad bit difficult to be physically present and make them feel special. But with every problem, there comes a solution. So, let’s find out the Quarantine Gift Ideas to try this year.

Can’t go out? No worries. You can always show your admiration toward them by ordering a gift online. Giving gifts like cakes, wine, chocolates are nice but too mainstream. While the entire process of choosing a gift can be tiring, it should be worth the effort you put.

Most importantly, a gift should have a personal touch and should come straight from the heart.

The covid is not over and chances are, we are going to spend the next few months staying at home. Well, we are here with our carefully selected 7 unique gift ideas that will help your loved ones cope during these hard times.

Cool Quarantine Gift Ideas

1. A Classic Custom Handmade Portrait

Quarantine Gift Ideas

Gifts, big or small are meant to be wrapped in emotions. It should speak of the efforts you have put into selecting the perfect present. Think about receiving a gift and forgetting it to time? Doesn’t work well right?

A Custom Handmade Portrait from a photo is a safe and timeless gift that you can give to your dear ones.

Art doesn’t see any bounds and can be presented to anybody irrespective of their age, gender, or relation with them. It captures a moment in its purest form and will fill the person with joy whenever they look at it. This is one of the best Quarantine Gift Ideas to try.

2. Indoor plants

Quarantine Gift Ideas

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”

Carve a better tomorrow for your loved ones by gifting them indoor plants. It is a great addition to the home decor. What more? It relieves stress, boosts creativity, and is absolutely therapeutic in nature.

Gardening is alleviating and will keep your friend occupied during the weekends. 

Indoor plants clean air and remove toxins. Unlike regular plants, most indoor plants release oxygen at night which makes them suitable for bedrooms. Besides, it promotes concentration that will make your friend’s work from home productive.

3. All-streaming service membership

Quarantine Gift Ideas

Admit it, the weekends can be boring. There’s hardly anything to do instead of lazing around all day. But how long could they keep scrolling social feeds or watch youtube videos? Beat their boredom with an all-platform streaming membership. Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Sling TV – there are dozens of media streaming services – all in one pass. Absolutely no worries about the kind of movie they prefer. It will be a cool Quarantine Gift Ideas for younger ones.

An all-streaming service membership will give them a list of shows to binge-watch. A happy friend with a sorted weekend, filled with entertainment and a list of things to do, rather watch!

4. Gaming console

Quarantine Gift Ideas

We all have that one person in our life who can wear sweatpants all week and play video games. Day or night, they will be seen in the same place, doing the same thing – playing with their joystick. They are the only ones (apart from introverts) who are happy to not socialize and play games all day long.

If you have a video game lover and want to give them a gift is the best Quarantine Gift Ideas, what can be better than dozens of video game CDs! Stretch your budget, and you can go with gaming consoles like Xbox series X console or Playstation 5. They’ll surely scream out of joy when they receive a new console.

Even if the person is not a gamer, you can still consider giving them a gaming console to get them started on weekends.

Better than staring mindlessly at the TV screen, after all.

5. Online gym classes

Quarantine Gift Ideas

We are the most careless about our bodies. A dozen gyms around and all we wish to do is Sit! Eat! Sit! Years have passed sitting on a desk for work and chilling on the couch.

Sitting can negatively affect the body and the best way to avoid it is by exercising. But who has the motivation to get up for the gym? That’s when online gym classes can help.

If the loved one of yours needs to exercise but cannot find the motivation to hit the gym, bring the gym home with an online gym class membership. Even if they are new to fitness, they can still find a program that matches their needs. A variety of online gym programs including home workout, Yoga, Zumba, Tabata, HIIT, and more.

Now they will be healthier and will have a good physique, probably better than yours;)

The best part? You will be the reason behind improving a person’s lifestyle. Congrats on that!

6. Support Their Growth With An Online Learning

Quarantine Gift Ideas

Speaking of the bright side, the lockdown has given us the flexibility to work from home. This means that it is saving a lot of our commuting time. Of course, the free time can be spent on binge-watching movies or playing video games, or scrolling the social feed; but the best way to utilize time would be investing in your growth.

And how do you do that? By learning new skills. 

The Internet is filled with online learning platforms that can help your loved one learn a new skill. There is an unending list from photography, cooking, writing, coding, to music, singing, designing, and whatnot. Make their dream of “I wished to be a…”  into a reality by giving them an online learning membership as a present.

If your friend or relative has a quest for learning, this is their kind of present. Some of the platforms for online courses are Udemy, Skillshare, Masterclass, Coursera, EdX, Udacit, and there are tons more!

7. Comfortable chair

Quarantine Gift Ideas

Sitting for a straight 8 to 10 hours on a desk can be daunting (and some of us have to spend even more time at work). Neck pain, back pain, you name it and every inch of your body starts aching. A common issue that people keep complaining about.

But sitting for hours at the same place can cause a bad body posture leading to serious bone-joint issues. Do not mean to freak you out but your chair is to be blamed. The regular chairs at home are just part of the decor and not meant for prolonged sitting. So you can go for the most expensive gaming chairs in the market and also the cheaper ones on a temporary basis.

If your friend or a family member spends hours every day at their desk, giving them a comfortable chair will be a nice option. Just make sure to choose the chair that supports body posture and is comfortable for prolonged sitting. 

Now, they will have a comfortable work-from-home experience! You can also consider giving them a new desk to make the workplace even more comfortable.  And maybe get a cupcake delivered to them once in a while to make them feel better about themselves. 🙂

Author Bio:

Ajinkya Balapure is a B.Sc. Biotechnology graduate and a writer. Although, having a science background, he is inclined to follow his passion for writing. At present, he is working as a content writer at PortraitFlip and writing his first novel.

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