
5 Gift Ideas for Someone Who Has Everything

If you think it’s difficult trying to find the perfect gift for your picky friend, try gifting a friend who already has everything. With picky friends, it’s just a matter of sleuthing until you uncover something they passionately care about! But with a friend who already has everything, you’re faced with the near impossibility of finding a gift that they don’t already own. 

You can’t give a gift to your chic fashionista sister yet another red dress, or your computer engineer-brother a pair of earphones. There’s nothing worse than your loved one opening a gift and witnessing the embarrassment on their face as they admit they already own the thing. 

We’ve put together a list of great gift ideas that are thoughtful and work for just about everyone. What’s more, your self-sufficient person probably doesn’t own these things already!



The tricky thing about gifting someone a book is that you have to make sure it’s something they would read. Also, you have to cross your fingers that they haven’t read it already or that it isn’t collecting dust on their bookshelf. A journal is the same thoughtful gesture as a book, but one can never have too many journals!

Before you think it’s a lazy gift: we’re not asking you to give any ordinary blank notebook. There are plenty of premium journals with hardcover or leather casing and bullet journal templates, calendars, and designs. Getting this person a beautiful journal with a hand-written note on the first page (from you!) is encouraging them to take time to reflect on their thoughts and get creative. 

They can write to-do lists, meal-plan, track calories, write down things they’re grateful for, or even use it as a manifestation journal.

There’s nothing like the guilt of a beautiful notebook going to waste to get someone to start writing!

Meditation Subscription

Meditation Subscription

You can’t put a price on peace. There are lots of incredible paid meditation apps with courses and hours of guided meditation. Our favorite is Headspace, which has yoga sessions as well. Buy a subscription for your loved ones and gift them the power of meditation. 

This is particularly impactful because the gift isn’t just the price of the subscription that you paid, but also the love in encouraging someone to take care of their mind and mental health. 

No matter how many materialistic things they own, or how well they’re doing in life — everyone needs a little bit of headspace and happiness. 

Interactive World Map

This is a great gift for a friend or family member who loves traveling. Gift them a world map that can be scratched off by country and region. Not only does it look beautiful as a wall tapestry, but is also a great way to keep track and display all the countries the person has visited.

Most travelers spend on practical things like better travel equipment, so there’s a very good chance that they don’t own something this sentimental! 

A Fitbit


This one is tricky because you’ll have to make sure they don’t own one already! If they do own one already, chances are that you’ll find it on their wrist. 

If you think they don’t own a Fitbit, then this is a perfect opportunity to give it to them! A lot of people who struggle with the motivation to exercise and work out find that a Fitbit provides the necessary incentive needed to get those 10,000 steps. Plus, the extra information about how well you sleep, your heartbeat rates and the pollution levels don’t hurt either!


classes and courses

Many people have always longed to learn a hobby or a skill, but never found the right time or place to do so! Whether it’s a secret desire to learn salsa, pottery or cooking skills: you can make their wish come true! Going ahead and buying them a course or a set of classes will push them to show up for those classes and make time in their schedule to learn something they’ve always wanted to!

A lot of people feel as if they don’t have the time to do what they really want to, and since you’ve already paid for the classes, they’ll probably be pushed to make time for it! This can be so much more meaningful than a materialistic gift. 


There’s no need to worry when your special someone has everything they already need — because gifts aren’t just materialistic, they’re thoughtful experiences! The purpose of gift-giving is to show the person how much you care. A meditation or yoga subscription, or arts and craft classes show that you care about their mental health and recreation. This is so much more meaningful than a shiny new gadget or a fancy restaurant dinner!

We hope that these ideas were able to help you out in the gifting process. Good luck!

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