Gifting ideasGifts

5 Unique “Experience Gift” Ideas for Last-Minute Gifting

Choosing a materialistic gift is always confusing, not to mention extremely difficult. If you struggle to find a good gifting option, why not give them an experience? Simple gifts are easy to get, but experiences create memories that last a lifetime. They are also perfect for last-minute gifting if you run out of ideas.

women laying on the beach

Let us walk you through some of the best experiences you can give to your loved ones.

A Paid Holiday

If you consider giving an experience to a close friend or family member, an all-paid vacation sounds like a great experience. It always doesn’t have to be extravagant. You can get them a paid holiday to a local resort, or a nearby tourist town or state. The planning, the complimentary adventure, and the fun experience count.

Escape Room Subscriptions

Escape room subscriptions are pretty great if the person you are giving the experience to is into thrillers and adventures. You can get them the popular and tough-level challenges that they can complete with a partner and have the time of their lives. Finding good escape room subscriptions can be a little confusing so that you can look them up in your local areas.

Cooking Classes

We all have that one friend trying to master a few good recipes instead of failing miserably. Why not give them a full-paid cooking class experience? It can align well with their interests and what kind of cuisines they want to learn. However, make sure that the classes are either virtual and flexible in schedule or match the person’s schedule you are getting it for.

Musical Instrument Class Lessons

Another popular and constructive experience gifting option is a subscription class to learning a new musical instrument. Again, this is a very subjective gift idea, and you should get them for your friends or family who genuinely will appreciate the gift and utilize it. Don’t force your assumptions onto the person you are giving this to. Sometimes, you might think they’d want to learn an instrument, but that isn’t the case. So, confirm and then book the lessons.

Indoor Adventure Experience

There are several indoor adventure options that people love indulging in. They are fun, quirky and, not to mention, leave one with memories that last a lifetime. Several adventure academies locally available offer subscriptions and passes that you can buy as gift cards and then offer them to the person you wish to surprise them with. Just ensure that they are into the kind of adventures you are signing them up for.


We all have the entire lifetime to gift people with material items. Those are common and predictable. So, why not spice and change things up a bit? Ideally, this is where the concept of experience gifts comes into play. They are intriguing, unique and perfect for individuals who are bad at choosing material gifts and would rather get something with more meaning and personalized.

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